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Energy Focus Volume 38, Number 1, March 2021 (PDF)

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Ian Liddell–Grainger MP, Chairman of PGES

March Speaker Meeting
PGES launches 40th Anniversary Inquiry Report

Evolution of Energy Policy over 40 years
Executive Summary
Policy Proposals

ReStack the Deck: Hunt out the Unconscious Fossil Bias
Report from Recosting Energy – Challenging Ideas

International Energy Agency Renewables Report

Energy White Paper – overview

BEIS Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy

Parliamentary Record
Select Committee Reports and Inquiries
Oral Questions

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Energy Focus Volume 38, Number 1, March 2021 (PDF)

Full version (for members only) click here


Ian Liddell–Grainger MP, Chairman of PGES

March Speaker Meeting
PGES launches 40th Anniversary Inquiry Report

Evolution of Energy Policy over 40 years
Executive Summary
Policy Proposals

ReStack the Deck: Hunt out the Unconscious Fossil Bias
Report from Recosting Energy – Challenging Ideas

International Energy Agency Renewables Report

Energy White Paper – overview

BEIS Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy

Parliamentary Record
Select Committee Reports and Inquiries
Oral Questions

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To download your copy of this edition, simply click on the link below.

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Energy Focus Volume 37, Number 3, December 2020 (PDF)

Full version (for members only) click here


Ian Liddell–Grainger MP, Chairman of PGES

PGES launches 40th Anniversary Inquiry

September Speaker Meeting Report
Success at CoP26 starts at home: Leading by example on Net Zero
Steve Holliday FREng FEI, President, Energy Institute
with Louise Kingham OBE FEI and Dr Rob Gross FEI

November Speaker Meeting Report
Decarbonising Heat & Transport – a Hydrogen update
Mark Selby – Ceres
Heidi Genoni – Arup
Tim Harper – Element2
Dr Angela Needle – Cadent Gas

December Speaker Meeting Report
Renewables: leading transitions to a more sustainable energy system
Dr Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Obituary – Lord O’Neill of Clackmannan

Prime Minister’s 10 Point Plan 
UK Nationally Determined Contribution 
6th Carbon Budget 
Climate Ambition Summit 
Energy White Paper

Parliamentary Record
Select Committee Reports and Inquiries
Oral Questions