An All-Party Parliamentary Group



The Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies is a membership group, and meetings are therefore open to members only.

Regular updates and reminders are sent to members via email. If you are a member but are not receiving these, or would like to double-check any details, please get in touch.


Energy Policy Workshop
Tuesday 3rd December

Annual House of Lords Dinner
Kindly sponsored by Trio
Guest of Honour: The Rt Hon The Lord Hunt of King’s Heath, Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero
Hosted by The Lord Teverson
Tuesday 22nd October


Speaker Meeting
Transition in Nuclear
Michael Drury, Managing Director, Lucid Catalyst
Guy Esnouf, Director of Communications, Great British Nuclear
Daniel Mathers, Director, Nuclear Innovation and Research Office
Tuesday 10th September 

Speaker Meeting
Transition in Steel
with Anil Jhanji, Chief Commercial Officer, Tata Steel
and Carles Rovira, CEO, Celsa Steel 
Tuesday 16th April 2024

Speaker Meeting
“Challenges for IPCC in its Seventh Cycle”
with Professor Jim Skea, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 
Tuesday 5th March 2024

Speaker Meeting
Overview of the Net Zero Transition
with David Whitehouse, CEO, Offshore Energy UK
Tuesday 6th February 2024

Winter Warmer Reception
a networking reception

Kindly sponsored by Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM)
keynote speech by Oliver Lancaster, CEO, IGEM                 see the text here

Wednesday 31st January 2024

Speaker Meeting
Hydrogen in Industry

Marian Garfield, Head of Sustainability, Heidelberg Materials 
Gerald Mason, Senior Vice-President, Tate & Lyle
Sally Brewis, Head of Regional Development, Cadent Gas
Tuesday 16th January 2024

Speaker Meeting 
An All-Party Energy Policy Forum with
     Alan Whitehead MP
     Alan Brown MP
     Lord Teverson
     David Duguid MP
Tuesday 5th December 2023

PGES Symposium on the Role of Nuclear Power in Achieving Net Zero in the UK
hosted by Baroness Willis of Summertown and Lord Ravensdale
Keynote speech by The Rt Hon The Lord Deben of Winston
Supported by TerraPraxis                         Notes
Tuesday 21st November 2023

PGES House of Lords Dinner
hosted by The Rt Hon The Lord Whitty

Guest of Honour Angus MacNeil MP
Chair of the Select Committee for Energy Security & Net Zero
kindly supported by Exxon Mobil
Tuesday 24th October 2023

Speaker Meeting
“Regulations to achieve net zero quickly and affordably”
with Rachel Fletcher, Director for Regulation and Economics at Octopus Energy
Tuesday 12th September 2023

AGM & Summer Reception
Kindly sponsored by Alfa Energy, an Edison Energy company
Guest of Honour The Rt Hon Graham Stuart MP, Minister of State for Energy Security & Net Zero
Tuesday 11th July 2023

Speaker Meeting
Building a Net Zero Electricity System – a supply chain view
with Steve Scrimshaw, VP Siemens Energy UK & Ireland
Tuesday 6th June 2023

Speaker Meeting 
Changing Times – Networks’ Role in Decarbonisation
with Lawrence Slade, CEO Energy Networks Association
Tuesday 16th May 2023

Speaker Meeting – face to face
Net Zero or Not Zero
with Dr David Joffe, Climate Change Committee
Tuesday 18th April 2023

Speaker Meeting – face to face
Flexibility in the Network
with Claire Dykta, Head of Markets, National Grid ESO
Tuesday 7th March 2023

PGES House of Lords Dinner
hosted by The Lord Ravensdale

Guest of Honour The Rt Hon The Lord Callanan
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Department for Energy Security and Net Zero 
kindly supported by Alfa Energy (an Edison Energy Company)
Tuesday 21st February 2023

Speaker Meeting – face to face
Mission Zero
with The Rt Hon. Chris Skidmore MP
Tuesday 17th January 2023

Speaker Meeting – face to face and Zoom
Review of “When the Dust Settles”
with Professor Lucy Easthope LLB MSc PhD
Tuesday 6th December 2022

Member Meeting – face to face and Zoom
Review of Energy Policy Priorities

with Ian Liddell-Grainger MP
Tuesday 1st November 2022

Annual General Meeting and House of Commons Summer Reception
kindly supported by Energy Networks Association
Tuesday 12th July 2022

Hosted by The Rt Hon the Lord Whitty
Tuesday 26th April 2022

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Winter Storms Recovery
with Phil Jones, CEO Northern Powergrid
Peter Emery, CEO ENWL
and Akshay Kaul, Director of Networks Ofgem
Tuesday 11th January 2022

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Crisis, what crisis?
with Mike Lewis, CEO E.On UK
Kathryn Porter, Watt-Logic
and Adam Scorer, CEO National Energy Action
Tuesday 7th December 2021

Cross APPG Seminar at CoP26
Strengthening Parliamentary Consensus for Global Change
with Bim Afolami MP, Anthony Browne MP, Rt Hon Sir Ed Davey MP,
Alex Sobel MP, Anna McMurrin MP, Philip Dunn MP and Baroness Hayman

Ian Liddell-Grainger MP and Barry Gardiner MP
Friday 5th November 2021

House of Lords Annual Dinner
with Lord Callanan, Minister of State for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy

Supported by Alfa Energy
Tuesday 27th October 2021

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Myth busting for Net Zero
with Mike Foster of the Energy & Utilities Alliance
Tuesday 14th September 2021

Annual General Meeting and
Speaker Meeting by Zoom
The Maths of Net Zero Gas
with Mike Lakin, Envoi                                  
Richard Norris, Pandreco                                 notes        slides
Kathryn Porter, Watt-Logic                               notes with slides
Tuesday 13th July 2021

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Defossilising Gas – Needs of Net Zero
with Dr Angela Wilkinson, Secretary General & CEO, World Energy Council 
Juliet Davenport, Founder & CEO, Good Energy                                            slides
See recording here
Tuesday 8th June 2021 

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Defossilising Gas – Net Zero Gas Mains
with Kyle Martin, Head of Market Insight, Lane Clark & Peacock LLP          notes    
Andy Dunn, Chief Engineer, Thames Water                                                 notes
Dr Mark Taylor FIMA, Deputy Director for Energy Innovation, Science and Innovation for Climate and Energy (SICE) 
No recording – held under the Chatham House rule  
Tuesday 18th May 2021

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Look back to look forward to Net Zero

with Dr Grant Wilson, Birmingham University                                                               notes       slides
Dr Keith MacLean OBE, Chair Research Councils Scientific Advisory Committee      notes 
Professor Peter Styring, Sheffield University                                                                notes      
see recording here 

Tuesday 13th April 2021

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Launch of the PGES 40th Anniversary Inquiry into Energy Policy

A short extract with Executive Summary and Policy Proposals can be found here
See the full report here

See recording here
Tuesday 9th March 2021

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Looking forward to CoP26

with Andrew Griffith, MP, UK Net Zero Business Champion
Tuesday 9th February 2021

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
IEA views on net zero

with Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency
Renewables: leading transitions to a more sustainable energy system
see recording here
Tuesday 8th December 2020

PGES Meeting by Zoom
Launch of the PGES 40th Anniversary Inquiry

What are the energy policies that will drive an independent UK to net zero while fuelling the economy? 
Tuesday 1st December 2020

see recording here

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Transport and Heating towards Net Zero – Hydrogen update

with Dr Bob Moran – Head of Environmental Strategy DfT
Heidi Genoni – Programme & Project Manager Arup       notes
Mark Selby – CTO Ceres Power                                       notes
Tim Harper – CEO Element2                                            notes       slides
Dr Angela Needle – Director of Strategy Cadent              notes
see recording here 
Tuesday 17th November 2020

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Success at CoP26 starts at home: Leading by example on Net Zero     details
with Louise Kingham OBE FEI – Chief Executive, Energy Institute
Steve Holliday FREng FEI – President, Energy Institute & former CEO, National Grid
Dr Rob Gross FEI – Energy Institute Trustee and Director, UKERC
see recording here 

Tuesday 8th September 2020

Joint Webinar with APPG Banking by Zoom
Retrofits: A Quick Win for the Economy and the Environment
with The Rt Hon. Kwasi Kwarteng, Minister of State for Energy & Climate Change

Emma Harvey, Programme Director, Green Finance Institute
Professor Peter Styring, Sheffield University
Julie Hirigoyen, CEO, UK Green Building Council
Dr Mike Pitts, Deputy Challenge Director – Transforming Construction, Innovate UK
Madeleina Loughrey-Grant, Group Legal & Tax Director, Laing O’Rourke
Thursday 16th July 2020

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Recovery and Net Zero
with The Rt Hon. Kwasi Kwarteng, Minister of State for Energy & Climate Change 

Professor Keith Bell, Committee on Climate Change               notes
Chris Shaw, Climate Assembly UK
Guy Newey, Strategy and Performance Director, Energy Systems Accelerator
see recording here
Tuesday 7th July 2020

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Net Zero and Regulations
with Neil Kenward, Director of Decarbonisation and Strategy, Ofgem              slides
Steve McMahon, Deputy Director, Electricity Distribution & Cross Sector Policy, Systems & Networks, Ofgem                                                                                                               slides
Jane Dennett-Thorpe, Head of Decarbonisation and Research, Ofgem
Tuesday 9th June 2020

Speaker Meeting by Zoom
Unlocking Flexibility for Consumers
Dr Paul Troughton, Enel X                         slides
Alastair Martin, CEO Flexitricity                notes
Mark Bygraves, CEO, Elexon                   slides

see recording here
Tuesday 12th May 2020

Speaker Meeting
Net Zero and Energy infrastructure
Sir John Armitt, National Infrastructure Commission
Tuesday 3rd March 2020

House of Lords Annual Dinner
with Lord Callanan, Minister of State for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy

and Lord Deben, Chairman, Committee on Climate Change
Supported by WSP
Tuesday 24th February 2020

Speaker Meeting
Net Zero and Energy Data Taskforce
Laura Sandys, Challenging Ideas
Tuesday 14th January 2020

Speaker meeting
Decarbonising Freight, Shipping and Construction
with Simon Brewster, CEO, Dolphin N2
John Cromer, Head of Truck Product Management, Volvo Trucks
Edmund Hughes,  Head – Air Pollution and Energy Efficiency at IMO
Alan Tolley, Group Director, Powertrain, JCBamford
Tuesday 11th June 2019

Speaker Meeting
Unlocking the potential of residential electricity consumer engagement with Demand Response
with Dr Robert Gross, Dr Richard Carmichael and Dr Aidan Rhodes
of Energy Futures Lab, Imperial College, London
Tuesday 14th May 2019

Speaker Meeting
Towards Fossil-Free Energy in 2050

with Stijn Carton, Energy Systems Programme 

and Foaad Ahmad Tahir, European Climate Foundation
Tuesday 2nd April 2019

Speaker Meeting
Consumer findings – Mission Impossible – Affordable Heat Decarbonisation
with Steven Edwards, President Institute of Gas Engineers & Managers
Chris Clarke, Energy Strategy Director, Wales & West Utilities
and Oliver Lancaster, Future of Energy Project Manager, Wales & West Utilities
Tuesday 5th March 2019

Speaker Meeting
Disruptive Innovation – the Energy Research Accelerator
with Professor Martin Freer, University of Birmingham

Professor Seamus Garvey, University of Nottingham
and Professor Richard McMahon, University of Warwick
Tuesday 5th February 2019

Speaker Meeting
The Big Heat – practical means to supply low-carbon heat to major conurbations
with Professor Jon Gluyas, Director, Durham Energy Institute
Tuesday 8th January 2019

Speaker Meeting
The future for the UK, in the light of the 10th anniversary of the Climate Change Act, the IPCC 1.5o Report
with Chris Stark, Chief Executive, Committee on Climate Change
Tuesday 4th December 2018

House of Lords Annual Dinner
with Claire Perry MP, Minister of State for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy
Supported by Arup and Cadent
Tuesday 30th October 2018

Speaker Meeting
Reshaping Regulation – the next phase
with Mark Neller, Arup; Simon Fairman, Cadent; Charlotte L Morgan, Linklaters
all project leaders for elements of the Clean Growth Strategy

Tuesday 11th September 2018

Annual General Meeting and House of Commons Summer Reception
with Claire Perry MP, Minister of State for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy
kindly supported by Alfa Energy Group
Tuesday 26th June 2018

Speaker Meeting
Innovation and Change – making it real
with Mark Bygraves, CEO ELEXON
and Justin Andrews, head of Design Authority, ELEXON
Tuesday 5th June 2018

Speaker Meeting
Reshaping Regulation – the next phase
with Laura Sandys, Challenging Ideas and
Dr Jeff Hardy, Senior Research Fellow, Grantham Institute
Tuesday 8th May 2018

Speaker Meeting
Energy and Air Quality
with Elliot Treharne, Head of Air Quality , Mayor of London’s Office and
Rachel Cary, Zero Carbon Policy & Programme Manager, Mayor of London’s Office
Tuesday 6th March 2018

Speaker Meeting
Peer to Peer Energy
with Professor David Shipworth
University College London
Tuesday 6th February 2018

Speaker Meeting
Energy, the Age of Clean
with Steve Shaw, Director, Energy For People
Tuesday 9th January 2018

Energy Policy Workshop
with Ian Liddell-Grainger MP

and a panel of
Alan Whitehead MP

Alan Brown MP
Lord Teverson

Monday 4th December 2017

House of Lords Annual Dinner
with Rachel Fletcher, Senior Partner for Consumers & Competition, Ofgem
Supported by Fluor
Tuesday 7th November 2017

Speaker Meeting
Heat Policy and Brexit
with Dan Osgood, Director, Heat & Business Energy Directorate
Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy
Tuesday 24th October 2017

Speaker Meeting
Making Efficiency and Flexibility Investable
with Matt Golden, Investor Confidence Program
and Dr Steven Fawkes, Managing Partner, EnergyPro Ltd
Tuesday 12th September 2017

Annual General Meeting and
House of Commons Summer Reception
Tuesday 4th July 2017

Speaker Meeting
Low Carbon Heat – the Leeds H21 Project
with Dan Sadler, Head of Energy Futures, Northern Gas Networks
Tuesday 7th March 2017

Speaker Meeting
Energy Policy – the GMB Perspective

with Justin Bowden, National Secretary, GMB
Tuesday 7th February 2017

Speaker Meeting
Energy Policy Priorities

with Ian Graves, Executive Council PGES
and Jesse Norman MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Tuesday 10th January 2017

Speaker Meeting
An international perspective – post Brexit, post Obama
with Dr Lawrence Jones, Edison Electric Institute
Tuesday 6th December 2016

House of Lords Annual Dinner
with the Alex Chisholm, Permanent Secretary, Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Sponsored by National Grid
Tuesday 8th November 2016

Energy Policy Workshop
Hosted by Lord Skelmersdale, Chaired by Ian Liddell Grainger MP
with panel discussion moderated by Lawrence Slade, CEO Energy UK
Panel: Ian Graves, National Grid; Mark Elborne, GE; and Jens Wolf, Drax
Tuesday 8th November 2016

Speaker Meeting
Energy Barometer
with Professor Jim Skea CBE FEI FRSA HONFSE
and Dr Joanne Wade
Tuesday 25th October 2016

Speaker Meeting
EU Energy Policy – post Brexit
with Gerassimos Thomas, Deputy Director General of European Commission DG Energy
and Chris Howarth, Senior Researcher, European Research Group 
Tuesday 13th September 2016

Annual General Meeting and House of Commons Summer Reception
Sponsored by Wales & West Utilities Ltd
Wednesday 29th June 2016

Speaker Meeting
Competition & Markets Authority Report on the Energy Market Investigation
with Roger Witcomb, CMA
and Professor Dieter Helm, New College, Oxford
Tuesday 5th July 2016

Speaker Meeting
SNP Energy Policy
with Callum McCaig, MP SNP ENergy Spokesman
Tuesday 7th June 2016

Speaker Meeting
Future for Energy
with Professor David Elmes, Warwick University
and Professor Gavin Gillmore, Kingston University
and Adam Chase, E4tech (UK) Ltd.
Tuesday 3rd May 2016

Speaker Meeting
Decarbonising Heat
with Mike Foster, Energy & Utilities Alliance
and Neil Schofield, Worcester Bosch
and Tony Nixon, National Grid
Tuesday 12th April 2016

Speaker Meeting
Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme
with Dr Robert Clay, Head of ESOS, Department of Energy and Climate Change
and Professor Martin Fry, Energy Services and Technology Association
Tuesday 1st March 2016

House of Lords Annual Dinner
With the Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Monday 1st February 2016

Speaker Meeting
Opposition Energy Policy
With Alan Whitehead MP of the Shadow Energy and Climate Change Team
Tuesday 12th January 2016

Speaker Meeting
Potential of Wind: Flexibility: supporting cost effective decarbonisation
Matthew Knight,. Director of Strategy, Siemens
Prof. Goran Strabc, Imperial College
Tuesday 17th November 2015

Speaker Meeting
Energy policy after the General Election: Priorities for the next Government
Amber Rudd MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Lord Redesdale
Antonia Dickman, Associate Director, Ipsos Mori
Monday 2nd March 2015

Speaker Meeting
Energy policy in 2015: Forty years in the pipeline
Lord Howell of Guildford
Lord Wakeham
David Wagstaff, Head of Heat Strategy and Policy at DECC
Tuesday 3rd February 2015

House of Lords Annual Dinner
With the Rt Hon. Ed Davey MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Monday 19th January 2015

Speaker Meeting
Energy security
Angela Knight, Chief Executive, Energy UK

Jeremy Nicholson, Director, Energy Intensive Users Group
Dr David Robinson, Senior Research Fellow, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Tuesday 25th November 2014

Speaker Meeting
Reflections on a year at Ofgem
David Gray, Chairman, Ofgem
Tuesday 21st October 2014

Annual General Meeting and House of Commons Summer Reception
Sponsored by the Energy Institute

Keynote speaker: Katrina Williams, Director General for International, Science and Resilience at DECC
Tuesday 8th July 2014