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Energy Focus Volume 31, Number 2, August 2014 (PDF)
Solar independence: Subsidy-free by 2020
Paul Barwell, Chief Executive of the Solar Trade Association
UK solar will still shine brightly in a CfD world
Jamie Richards, Head of Infrastructure at the Foresight Group
Energy for Development Programme: Creating community-centric electrical mini-grids
Professor AbuBakr S Bahaj
An interview with Greg Barker MP
Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change 2010-14
Shale gas: Is it right for the UK? (March speaker meeting)
Paul Mason, New Business Manager, Total E&P UK
Stuart Andrews, Partner, Eversheds LLP
Professor Peter Styles, Applied and Environmental Geophysics, Keele University
Scottish independence: What would it mean for UK energy? (June speaker meeting)
Professor Peter McGregor, Director of Strathclyde International Public Policy Institute & Head of Economics at Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde
Peter Atherton, Head of Equity Research – Utilities, Liberum Capital
Adam Brown, Senior Associate – Energy, Dentons LLP
Sustainable solutions in energy
Ian Graves, Costain
Parliamentary Record
Statements, Select Committees, oral questions, debates and legislation