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Energy Focus Volume 30, Number 2, July / August 2013 (PDF)
Electricity from biomass: seeing the wood for the trees
Dorothy Thompson, Chief Executive at Drax
Green Technology: Securing our energy future
David Handley, Chief Economist at RES
Can our plan for a low carbon transition be cooking on gas?
David Smith, Chief Executive at the Energy Networks Association
An interview with the Rt Hon. Michael Fallon MP, Minister of State for Business and Enterprise and Minister of State for Energy
House of Lords Annual Dinner 2013
Guest of Honour: The Rt Hon. Mr Ed Davey MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Supported by: Siemens
House of Commons Annual Reception 2013
Guest of Honour: Stephen Lovegrove CB, Permanent Secretary to DECC
Sponsored by: South Hook Gas
Where next for onshore and offshore wind? (March speaker meeting)
Mike O’Neill, President and COO, Element Power (Greenwire Project)
Clark MacFarlane, Managing Director, Offshore Wind Power, Siemens
The European energy market and cross border co-operation: impact on the UK of recent developments in EU policy (May speaker meeting)
Vicky Ford MEP
Brendan Devlin, Advisor, Internal Energy Market, DG Energy, European Commission
UK Interconnectivity and the Western HVDC Link (June speaker meeting)
David Wright, Director, Electricity Transmission Asset Management, National Grid
Ana Aguado Cornago, CEO, Friends of the Supergrid
Extract from the Queen’s Speech
Her Majesty The Queen
Extract from the Spending Review
The Rt Hon. George Osborne MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer
Extract from Investing in Britain’s Future speech
Danny Alexander MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Departmental Statements
Written and oral statements
Parliamentary Record
Select Committees, debates, announcements and forthcoming activity