The Big Energy Upgrade campaign was launched in 2010 as one of the first multi-partner initiatives to adopt a ‘whole house, whole community’ approach to domestic energy efficiency.
The unique consortium of partners consists of Local Authorities, Registered State Landlords, Arms Length Management Organisations, a Community Interest Company and the University of Sheffield. These diverse and specialist organisations are determined to fight fuel poverty and construct an effective blue print for the future of community energy saving schemes.
Supported financially through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), hundreds of properties have already been transformed, helping thousands of residents save energy and money. In addition, the innovative programme has helped support some of Yorkshire and the Humber’s most vulnerable communities, as well as create jobs and stimulate the regional supply chain.
But we hope to do more and inspire others at our event on Friday 21st March at the University of Sheffield. So please do come along and learn about our success stories, the project analytics, hear the Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change speak and meet other industry figures who want to make a difference.
For more information on the Big Energy Upgrade visit and to book a free place, go to